
Amazon Warehouse

Project details

Owner: Vailog

Tenant: Amazon

Client: IRC Studio

Year: June 2019 - September 2020

Site: Colleferro (RM)

PERFORMED ACTIVITY: Safety management during the design phase and during the Execution phase.


Amazon warehouse Amazon at Colleferro was an extremely challenging experience: in sixteen months that also included the two months Covid-19 lockdown  .
The construction site involved the construction of a large warehouse, 500 m by 200 m for a height of 12 m, on a hilly area of one hectare. It was necessary to dig on one side and bring over 25 m in height to the north side. The ground consolidation works with jet grouting and lime earth treatments extended to the whole lot were also significant. 

Extremely complex is the management of a construction site where at the same time where substantial excavation works on one side  and earth movements and subsequently ground consolidation works were carried out at the same time and, in other areas, the construction of reinforced concrete foundations, assembly of reinforced concrete structures and metallic carpentry were carried out.

Excavation and filling and consolidation of land on about 20 ha of land; new construction of the Amazon warehouse of 100,000 m2 (covered sup) and 72,000 m2 of mezzanine on two floors.

Assignment value: € 100 mln

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